Tuesday, January 23, 2018

the mustangs

Bucephalus (left) and Xenophon (right).

These two are truly sweet. They're nervous but respectful. I did a little hand feeding with them the other day. Boo is the stockier one with just a small star; Zen is the one with a large star and stripe. I think they're from the same herd, given what little the owner knows about their history, so they're probably half brothers. I'm hoping to find out more when I can get a good look at their tattoos. I can see Zen's (sorta - it's a little blurred by his winter shag), but Boo's is covered by his mane. It's likely that Zen will be the first one to let me get that close though, because he's bolder than Boo and will already come closer during hand feeding. Of course, Boo is the one still sporting his tag from the holding pens, so it's more important to get close enough to get that off of him than it is to cuddle up to Zen. Eh, what will be, will be. I think Boo will come around soon enough, especially once Zen - the dominant one - becomes more at ease with people. 

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