Thursday, January 22, 2015

hungry beasties, or "a morsel"

I prefer "hunger" to "hungry" -
one sounds low and throaty and full of need,
the other like a brat-spawned whine.

I'll take your craven necessity
pitiful mews,

your rasping ache
untried wistful wants.

I'll take you, though your hunger won't survive -
the beasties are so hungry,

you won't last long at all. 


Well, that was interesting. Where did that come from? 
Blame Mama Zen and Edgar Allan Poe. Their hunger and haunting got into my head. 
They're hanging out in the imaginary garden with sixty words or less. 
I got 57. 


  1. Love the raw animal-ness of this one...great poem, Bones.

  2. one sounds low and throaty and full of need,
    the other like a brat-spawned whine... what a great line!

  3. I love this! Excellent exploration of the power of words.

  4. Oh the hunger vs hungry. The craving vs, raving.. really deep thoughts here that could be evolved way beyond this poem.

  5. luv the way you just shredded the theme; nice write

    much love...
