Thursday, June 6, 2013

Archer's Bones: the Bisbee run!

Remember back in May, when I said I was going to do my official opening of the Archer's Bones etsy shop on the 1st 14th of June? Me too!

I hate extending things like this, but it seems like I'm doing it a lot lately. Well, things are settling. I'm finding my rhythm. It's getting better; it's good. Besides, it just means more time to walk the shops!

So, there's a huge holiday coming up here in Bisbee - Bisbee Pride, woot! - and I'm sharing a booth with a friend of mine for the event. Our joint shops will be there in person, which is wicked cool.

Feast your eyes, People! It's Archer's Bones & The Mustard Cave! (Sounds like a bad band name, eh? hehe!)

Celebrate?! Who, me? Hell yeah!

Here's the deal: Stop by my shop during Bisbee Pride (14-16 June), either in person or on etsy, and let me know you've been there. If you're stopping by in person, just mention my blog. If you're stopping by on etsy, send me a message saying you're there for Bisbee Pride. That's it!

What will that do for you, you ask? You will be entered to win one item - up to $20 - from my shop for FREE. Your choice! (Also, free shipping, for the online folks.)

And FYI, I'm adding more items to the online shop every day between now and the 14th.

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to the in person bit, but... well, you know. Distance is a bit of a bitch ;-)

    But there is always Etsy!
