Thursday, June 20, 2013

we have a winner(s)!

So.... all the craziness in my head life this month has meant that I didn't have time to properly advertise this giveaway, which means that only three people entered - really!
Here's where you say, "oh damn!"

In light of that information, I decided that instead of doing a drawing for two winners, I'm just calling all three people winners. Because they're that cool, for supporting me with something I wasn't even giving the proper amount of energy to. I have great friends.

I'm pleased to announce the winners of one $20 gift certificate, each, of Archer's Bones goodies: 

Jonathan Bollin
Charlie Conklin
Magaly Guerrero

And, since I happen to know that all three of you are either veterans or married to veterans, I'll also tell you the coupon code for my veteran's discount when I email the details to each of you - you can use that when you spend your gift certificates!

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